Freshdesk Migration

The best migration tool for effective data export

Our team has developed a tool that will help you move all your data to Freshdesk effortlessly. Move import data to almost every major platform safe and fast!

We created our Service Desk Migration tool with users in mind. It allows you to export/import data you deem important. You can migrate Freshdesk tickets only or transfer agent data alongside with conversations. Just select a corresponding option from the list.

Easy Export from Jira Service Management

Don’t waste time on old platforms

Most of us can agree that there’s little incentive for using old CRM systems these days. Newer offerings are not only more versatile but extremely flexible. They provide custom solutions to all kinds of issues. Yet, with all these benefits, many simply don’t know how to import data correctly.

Is it really that hard to export data?

There are many issues one might encounter during the export process. Be it data loss, ticket mismatch, or plain incompatibility with the new platform. Moving Freshdesk data is always a tough task as it’s super fragile and can get corrupt.

With all these potential issues, you’ll have a hard time figuring out what exactly went wrong. But the most frustrating thing is that sometimes, customer support doesn’t even know how to help you.

Troubleshooting Freshdesk Move

If you’ve been trying to migrate to Freshdesk but having trouble doing so, you can always try to do the following:


Check if your Freshdesk import file can be opened in Excel - This way, you can identify if the file is not corrupt, and contains all the necessary information.


Make sure you are uploading the right Freshdesk data file - Certain platforms export data in formats that Freshdesk might not recognize.


Try to upload data in separate chunks - Sometimes Freshdesk import feature can’t handle the stream of information and refuses to upload everything at once.

As you can see, there are many things you need to consider before starting any kind of transfers. It’s hard to predict what might go wrong during the migration process as you have no control over it, so we advise you to create multiple backups.

Zendesk vs. Freshdesk

At glance, all platforms are technically the same but you might spot a few differences if you look closely. For instance, in Freshdesk you need to request access to the API, while in Zendesk service desk it’s open.

Another thing you might notice is that Zendesk has a few metrics that Freshdesk lacks. But these are minor drawbacks, especially if you consider all the benefits you gain.

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Export your data correctly

Freshdesk Migration FAQs

Can I try your desk migration service?

Absolutely. You can try the tool for yourself before deciding what you really need. Hit the button below and download the trial version of our application.

Can it export Freshdesk files?

Aside from allowing you to decide what exactly you want to move, our tool allows users to export data, import tickets, manage dates and more.

Our tool can also autoconfigure itself if you, say, want to move from Zendesk to Freshdesk.

Once you specify to what platform you are migrating, our tool will gather all the necessary data you might need and perform the export much faster.

What is this tool for?

We believe that data import doesn’t need to be so hard. After our initial release, we’ve been hard at work to incorporate even more features.

Currently, the tool can integrate Freshdesk data, migrate Freshdesk tickets, export Freshedesk conversations.

Migrating to Freshdesk has never been so easy

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